Oyster Mushrooms Grow Kits Instructions

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Oyster Mushrooms Grow Kits Instructions

Oyster Mushrooms Grow Kits Instructions

Mushroom Kit Contents:
Transparent bag with Growing Medium with Oyster (fungus), and Instructions.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and Open the box carefully then clean the outside of the grow Kit
    with a clean, wet cloth. At this point you can decide one of two ways you want your mushrooms
    to grow.
    The first is to leave the bag inside the box and just start watering it. The mushrooms will fruit up and
    out of the holes facing upward.
  2. The second way is to Put the grow kit in a place out of direct sunlight. Do not put the grow Kit
    under a lamp and not on or near a heater or heat source. The ideal temperature is between 20
    and 25 º C. “Leave the bag closed until the pre-pins start to form” (this may take one or two
    weeks). In this stage the kit doesn’t need any oxygen but high CO2 level.
  3. After 2 weeks, colonization will occur (White spread of mycelium all over the bag). The cotton
    wool should be removed and left open at the top to let in air and holes made on the growing
    bag. Take a clean fork and make some holes in the top layer. Divide the holes regularly on the
    grow Kit (4 to 5 rows of holes is enough). This allows the substance absorb the water better.
  4. The pre-pins will start to grow. You will then moisten the kit daily with a spray bottle (maximum
    1-2 pumps). In this stage the mushrooms need fresh H2O and O2 and the CO2 need to
    escape. This is also important after harvesting.
  5. The first mushrooms will be visible in two weeks. Be patient, it may take a longer period of time
    before the first mushrooms will grow.
  6. The mushrooms should be harvested just before the skin underneath the hats starts to loosen
    up. The harvest: grab the stem gently and turn the mushroom to the left and then to the right
    and gently pull. This way you can remove the mushroom as complete as possible.
    Growing Conditions, you must provide the following growing conditions in order for your Oyster kit
    to produce mushrooms.

Light – Oyster mushrooms require light to grow.

Place your Oyster kit in a well-lit area to
grow, but not in direct sun light.

Regular strong reading light is sufficient. Constant light
is not necessary. It is fine to leave your kit in the dark overnight.

  1. Temperature – Your kit will grow mushrooms best at temperatures between 20 – 25
    degrees F. You may have to check around your house with a thermometer to find such a
  2. Water – Water your kit by sprinkling or spray misting water on to the kit’s surface once a
    day. In this case you would be watering the grow bag with the ¼ inch holes in it.
    When the small oyster mushrooms being to force themselves out of the bag holes in 3-7
    days, increase watering to 2-3 times a day.
    Leave the top of the bag open to allow air circulation. Air circulation is necessary for
    normal mushroom growth. The lack of fresh air will prevent mushrooms from growing
    and produce long stringy mushrooms.
    The holes at the bottom will help keep some humidity around the fruiting mushrooms.
    Be careful not to over water your kit before the baby mushrooms are formed. Standing
    water in the bottom of your kit will encourage rot and contaminants to grow.
  3. Harvesting – Under favorable conditions, mushrooms will begin to appear in 7 – 14 days.
    The mushrooms usually double in size every day. Pick them, when they reach a mature
    size or when they stop growing.
    This usually takes 4-7 days. Pick all of them off at this time, by twisting them slowly one
    complete turn to free them from the growing medium. Be careful not to damage the
    growing mediums’ surface. It is better not to cut the mushrooms off, because this leaves
    a stump to rot, which can later inhibit the fruiting of the next crop.
  4. Caution – Oyster mushrooms often start many small mushrooms to ensure some survive
    to adulthood. If too many mushrooms begin to grow the Oyster mushroom will abort all
    the extras. (Do not attempt to thin the small mushrooms.)
    Care should be taken when picking your mushrooms to ensure you are not picking
    aborted or old mushrooms. These aborted and old mushrooms are not edible.
    Only harvest and eat fresh looking mushrooms. All aborted and old mushrooms should
    be removed from the kit surface and discarded after every harvest.
    After you harvest the mushrooms keep the surface of the kit moist. Maintain your kit as
    before and wait for another crop of mushrooms.

The most productive mushroom crops are usually the first and second.

mushroom fruiting may occur, over the following weeks, but fewer mushrooms will
grow as time passes and the mushroom nutrients are used up.

(Some varieties of oyster
mushrooms only fruit one crop, but most will fruit 4-5 times.)
Caution: Mushroom Spores and Insects.
Oyster mushrooms produce spores as they grow. These spores are a natural reproductive process and
can get heavy as the mushrooms develop.
You should place a few sheets of newspaper under the mushroom kit to help catch falling spores. If you
are allergic to mushrooms or fungi, you may want to grow your mushroom kit outside of your house to
alleviate any allergy problem from spores.
Oyster mushroom spores can sometimes irritate none allergic persons too. Note: Fruiting your kit
outdoors may cause problems from insect, slugs, mites, flies, and fly lava all love to eat oyster
mushrooms. These insects are difficult to control in an outdoor setting.
The ideal climate is 22 º C.
When you see the pinheads, put the grow Kit overnight in a cool place, for example in a barn. The drop
of temperature causes the mushrooms to get the idea that autumn is coming. Because of that, the
mushrooms will grow faster so you can yield earlier.
To prepare your mushrooms for cooking remove the tough stem ends and slice the mushrooms up to
the size of your thumb.
The slices can then be sautéed in a little olive oil and butter with salt and pepper and a few garlic cloves
for about 5-10 minutes or until brown around the edges.
Another recipe is to take the mushroom pieces and flour, egg and flour them. Then cook them in oil until
the batter turns golden brown. Salt them lightly after cooking. It is best to cook Oyster mushrooms
before eating them since some people have adverse reactions to eating raw Oyster mushrooms.
Enjoy growing and eating your own homegrown Oyster mushrooms

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Roussoss Demmisse
Roussoss Demmisse

I'm the founder of Mushroom Kenya, a young accomplished mushroom farmer in Kenya with a 5 years plus experienced. At Mushroom Kenya we sell mushroom products and train farmers on how to grow the mushrooms.

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